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E-Commerce Life Cycle


Store Set up

Before setting an online store customer have to provide the following to set up the store

  1. Domain : Domain names are essential for online businesses as they serve as a unique identifier, allowing customers to locate and access their websites.

  2. Logo : Logo is unique, identifiable symbol, design or image that represents a business or brand.

  3. Mobile icon : The mobile icon is used as a shortcut to the mobile app on a user's device, and it is important to have a recognizable and visually appealing icon to stand out on the device's home screen.

  4. Store Name : The store name of an online store is the name by which the store is identified and referred to by customers.

  5. Store details : Provide address of your store.

  6. Storefront : Specify whether we need to deploy app in Web, Android or IOS.

  7. Account : Specify which account to be used to deploy app (Customer Account/ Wariyum Account)

Initial Marketing

Customer can promote their store by different marketing sources available. Below are few ways:

  • Social media marketing: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp etc are great tools for reaching customers.

  • Influencer marketing: Customers can partner with social media influencers or bloggers who have a large followers to promote their store. This can help them reach a wider audience and build trust with customers.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Customers can optimize their website for search engines to improve their visibility in search results.

  • Paid advertising: Customers can use paid advertising such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads to promote their store. This involves creating targeted ads that appear in front of their ideal customers.

  • Printed medias: Customers can provide Brochures, Notices , Newspaper ads and other printed medias to promote their store.

  • Provide customer to download App from home page.

Ongoing Marketing

  • Create banners to show best offers in home page to attract customers.

  • Provide more offers for products.

  • Create eye catching posters to share in Social Media. There are many poster editing apps available such as

    1. Canva
    2. PosterMyWall
  • Run special offer exclusively for your store and limit the quantity they can buy and provide minimum cart value.

  • Provide Gift Vouchers, Promo Codes etc.

  • Credit Points when customers buy for certain prices.