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Google Analytics


Google Analytics is an essential tool for our website as it provides valuable insights into user behavior and helps us make informed decisions. By tracking key metrics like page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates, Google Analytics allows us to understand how visitors interact with our website.

We can identify which pages are performing well and which ones may need optimization. It also helps us track the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns by measuring traffic sources, referral sources, and user engagement.

Additionally, Google Analytics provides detailed e-commerce tracking, enabling us to monitor revenue, average order value, and product performance. This information helps us optimize our product offerings, improve the user experience, and maximize conversions.

With Google Analytics, we can segment our audience based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, and interests. This segmentation allows us to personalize content, target specific customer groups, and deliver a more tailored experience.

In summary, by leveraging Google Analytics on our website, we gain valuable insights into user behavior, marketing effectiveness, and e-commerce performance. This data-driven approach enables us to optimize our website, enhance the user experience, and drive business growth.


Steps to check Analytics data

  • Step 1: Sign in to your Google Analytics account.

  • Step 2: Once you're logged in, select the website or app that you want to view data for from the "Account Home" page.

  • Step 3: From there, click on the "Report" tab at the top of the page.

  • Step 4: In the "Report" tab, you can see the various reports available for your website or app, such as "Real-Time," "Audience," "Acquisition," "Behavior," and "Conversions."

  • Step 5: Click on any of these reports to view the data related to that category. For example, if you click on the "Audience" report, you can see data related to your website's visitors, such as demographics, interests, and behavior.

  • Step 6: You can further see your data by adjusting the date range, selecting different segments, or applying filters.

Google Analytics 4 Tutorial