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Import Dynamic Product Props

Dynamic product properties are attributes of a product which changes very often, like Sale_price, MRP and Stock.

Download the template for dynamic product import by clicking here

NoColumn NameDescription
1Product codeSKU Id of the product
2Sale priceCurrent selling price in Task.
In the case of multiple variant products with SKU rule applied, the sale price shouldn't be zero
3MRPCurrent original price in Task. Must be greater than or equal to Sale price.
In the case of multiple variant products with SKU rule applied, the MRP shouldn't be zero
4StockStock value in task.
Any positive value indicates in stock and zero or any negative value indicates out of stock

Check Import Status

  • Navigate to Activity log

  • Select "Task Product Sync"

  • Expected to see log like below

Dynamic product props

  1. Shows name of the file uploaded
  2. Shows import status of the same file

It will take around 334 seconds to import 1000 products.

To Do

  • Upload the document into Nearme buckets with assistance from the Wariyum support team.