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Tag Management


The Tag Management allows business owners and sellers to efficiently categorize and manage their business processes. Tags can be used to organize orders, products, customers, and even suppliers, offering flexibility and customization tailored to your specific needs.


  • Streamlined Operations: Easily categorize orders, products, and customers for smoother workflows.
  • Efficient Delivery: Tags like “Urgent” or “North Zone” help your delivery team prioritize tasks and improve efficiency.
  • Better Marketing: Segment customers with tags such as “VIP” to send targeted promotions or offers.
  • Customized to Your Business: Create tags that align with your specific business needs, whether for special product categories, handling instructions, or customer segmentation.

How Tags Can Be Used

1. Categorizing Orders by Urgency or Location

For orders, tags like “Urgent,” “North Zone,” or “Next Day Delivery” can help you prioritize and efficiently assign deliveries based on the order’s importance or location. This makes it easy to streamline your delivery process and improve customer satisfaction.

2. Organizing Products for Easy Discovery

Use tags like “New Arrival,” “Summer Collection,” or “Eco-Friendly” to group products together. This helps customers discover items faster while improving inventory management and marketing.

3. Segmenting Customers for Personalized Marketing

Apply tags like “VIP,” “Frequent Buyer,” or “Discount Seeker” to segment customers and deliver personalized offers. Tags help you better understand customer behavior and tailor your communication based on these segments.

4. Categorizing Suppliers and Vendors

You can tag suppliers with labels like “Preferred Vendor,” “Local Supplier,” or “High-Volume.” This makes it easier to track which suppliers you use most frequently and ensure you’re managing relationships effectively.


Imagine you run an online grocery store on the Wariyum platform and you receive multiple orders daily. To streamline your delivery process, you want to group orders based on delivery zones (e.g., East, West) and priority (e.g., Urgent). Additionally, you want to assign delivery personnel to specific zones using tags, ensuring that they can only see orders relevant to their area.

Step 1: Creating Tags

tag create

  • Navigate to the Tags section in the Wariyum Navigator, available in the sidebar menu.
    • Click Add to create new tags.
    • Enter a relevant Tag ID (e.g., "EastZone") and provide a brief description of the tag (e.g., "Delivery orders for the East area").
    • Click Save to store the newly created tags for future use.

Step 2: Tag Assignment to Delivery Personnel

  • Go to the Users section in the Wariyum Navigator.
  • Select a user (delivery team member) that needs to be assigned to a specific delivery zone.
  • In the Tags dropdown menu, choose the appropriate tag (e.g., "EastZone" for delivery personnel who will handle orders in the East zone).
  • Click Update to save the tag assignment. This ensures that the user will only see orders tagged with "EastZone" in the orders list.

Step 3: Tag Assignment to Orders

tag create

  • Go to the Orders section, where all incoming orders are listed.
    • Select an order that needs to be organized for delivery.
    • In the Tags dropdown menu, choose the appropriate tag (e.g., "EastZone" for orders going to the East area).
    • If the order is a priority, assign a secondary tag like "Urgent".
    • Click Update to save the changes. The tags are now associated with the order, making it easier for the delivery team to manage.

Step 3: Filtering Orders by Tags

tag create

  • As the number of orders grows, you can use the Filter by Tag option to quickly view all orders tagged as "EastZone" or "Urgent".
    • This allows you to focus on orders based on their delivery zone or urgency, ensuring that the right orders are delivered on time without missing any priority tasks.

Step 4: User-Specific Order Visibility Based on Tags

  • Delivery personnel tagged with "EastZone" will only be able to view orders that are also tagged as "EastZone". Similarly, users tagged as "WestZone" will only see orders related to the West area.
  • This ensures that delivery personnel are only managing orders relevant to their assigned delivery zone, reducing confusion and improving efficiency.

Using Tags Across Other Entities

Tags aren’t just for orders. You can also assign tags to:

  • Products: Categorize products with tags like "BestSeller" or "NewArrival" for easy grouping and marketing.
  • Work Orders: Tag work orders based on urgency levels like "By Tomorrow" or "Routine Checkup" to prioritize tasks.