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Nearme has integrated with Stripe. Stripe is a payment processing platform that helps merchants of an online store accept payments from customers. Stripe's easy-to-use platform can be integrated with many popular ecommerce platforms, enabling merchants to customize their payment processing workflows and automate financial operations.

Stripe supports a wide range of payment methods, including credit and debit cards, digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay, and local payment methods such as Alipay and WeChat Pay. This allows merchants to accept payments from customers all over the world and provides a more seamless payment experience for customers.

Merchant onboarding with Stripe

When you onboard with Stripe, you gain access to a suite of powerful tools and features for accepting payments, managing subscriptions, and preventing fraud. Here’s an overview of the merchant onboarding process with Stripe:

  1. Sign up for a Stripe account: Begin by signing up for a new Stripe account. You’ll need to provide your email address, create a password, and complete a brief questionnaire about your business.

  2. Provide business details: After signing up, you’ll need to enter your business information, including the legal name, address, tax identification number, and the type of products and services you offer.

  3. Verify your identity: Like other Payment Service Providers, Stripe requires new businesses to verify their identity as part of the KYC process. You may be asked to provide personal identification documents, such as a government-issued ID, passport, or driver’s license.

  4. Connect your bank account: To receive payouts from Stripe, you’ll need to provide your bank account information, including the account number and routing number. Stripe supports payouts in more than 135 currencies and works with bank accounts from numerous countries.

  5. Obtain API keys: Once you have created a Stripe account, you will need to obtain API keys. These are unique identifiers that will allow your website to interact with Stripe's servers. You can find your API keys in the Stripe Dashboard.

  6. Test your integration: Before going live, make sure to test your Stripe integration to ensure it’s working correctly. Stripe provides a testing environment where you can simulate transactions and check for any issues.

  7. Go live and accept payments: Once you’ve completed the onboarding process and tested your integration, you can start accepting payments from customers. Stripe handles the transaction processing, security, and compliance aspects, allowing you to focus on running and growing your business.


Select "online payment" as payment option

stripe stripe

Once you click the "Pay now" button, you'll be directed to the secure Stripe payment page where you can proceed with your payment. Here, you'll find a seamless interface for completing your transaction with ease and confidence.


On the orders page, you can easily monitor the progress of customer's transaction and stay informed about its current status. Whether it's pending, sucess, or failed, you'll have visibility into the payment's journey.
