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Reporting on Business

Reporting is critical for understanding how your company is doing and what steps you need to take to improve it. We provide three types of reports.

Sale Summary

Total sales within an interval are the most basic type of reporting. For each order status, this report will show the number of sales, maximum order, minimum order, average order, and net sales. Sales Summary

Top Performing Product

This report shows which of your products sold the most and generated the most revenue for your company. Top Performing Product

Customer Performance

This report will highlight the email id from which you are getting more orders in terms of total sale amount. Customer Performance

Order Item Wise Report

This is a convenient method of generating report along supplier details. The report displays products that were ordered. Report can also be generated based on selected status and time. Report includes :

1Namename of the product
2Suppliersupplier detail of the product
3Quantityquantity of the item ordered
4Sale_Priceselling price
5Total_Sales Pricequantity*selling price
6SKU_with_ruleSKU id and assigned SKU rule

It can be used as Purchase order or Packing Slip.

order report for the supplier